
furniture guide

How to paint wooden chairs

The chairs should be matched in terms of shades to the rest of the furniture; Painting with transparent varnish, protects the original color of the chair; Do it yourself!

כסאות עץ לפינות אוכל כסאות עץ לפינות אוכל כסאות עץ לפינות אוכל

In recent years, more and more people are refurbishing their furniture. Not long ago my friend sent me pictures after he painted you Wooden bar chairs in his house, and I said to myself, if I had good hands, I wouldn't be renewing the chairs every few years. After gathering courage, I painted the The wooden bar stools in my house It turned out perfect. And here I survived to tell you how to paint wooden chairs with the "do it yourself" method. In the following article we will give you tips and the steps on the way to the painted bar stool.

Early planning work

Choosing the colors is a challenge, because we have to think in advance how the result will look. Of course, there is our personal taste here, but since the chairs are displayed in the house, we need to match them in terms of shades to the rest of the furniture.

How do we do it right? The preparatory work has not yet finished painting

before painting wooden chairs, we will have to notice thatthe bar stools Completely clean. Check that there are no hairs and dirt and dust. All these cause the paint not to stick to the surface of the chair. Therefore, take soap and water and wash the chair. Then sand the old paint or lacquer with sandpaper or steel wool.
Then wash the wood with alcohol. The spirit kills the pollutants from the wood. The whole above process causes the paint to adhere properly to the bar stool.
With the help of paper masking tape, cover the areas you wish to be painted in a different color or not painted at all.
Place the chairs in the sun while painting. This way you will see that the amount of color is equal. It is recommended to put nylon sheets or cardboard under the chair. The remaining paint will be on them and not on the floor. 

What type of brush is chosen?

So that no problems arise when painting, there are several types of brushes:
The first, a brush with natural hair, is suitable for painting with oil-based paints. On the other hand, with water-based dyeing, the natural hair will absorb the dye.
The second, a synthetic hair brush.
The third is a brush that combines them.
Buy quality brushes, you won't discover a mix of hairs and paint.
If you are still confused, consult a professional, he can help you in matching the brush to a wooden bar chair.
Painting furniture with lacquer: those who want to keep the original color would be right to paint the chairs with transparent lacquer. The painting protects the original color of the chair, but gives it a protective layer from stains, scratches, and cracks.

There are those who paint the chairs with a varied varnish, it also gives a protective layer to the chair, and also gives it color. Painting with an opaque color: although the color will hide the natural appearance of the wood, it will preserve the texture of the material from which it is composed.

Painting in a semi-transparent color: the painting maintains the natural look of the wood, but adds a different variety to the bar chair. 

You have chosen the appropriate paint and brush, all you have to do is change into work clothes and start working.

Ok, so you've chosen a color and a brush, what's next? First of all, read the instructions for use on the container. Correct use will guarantee you the maximum result that the color can produce for you. 

It is not possible to achieve a good result of painting and sealing in the first layer. Therefore there is no point in painting with a thick layer, but paint a thin layer, wait until it dries and paint once more. It is important to paint at least twice. This also avoids paint leakage and lumps of paint on it the bar stool. Each additional coloring darkens the shade of the paint. 

In conclusion:

Painting wooden bar stools is not complex, it is not easy to do it yourself. We invite you to come to the 'chair and bar design' with us you will find a huge variety of bar chairs. We will be happy to be at your disposal for any question. 

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